Lost Open Space in Colorado
0 sq. mi.
25 sq. mi.
50 sq. mi.
80 sq. mi.
110 sq. mi.
140 sq. mi.
Colorado lost 1,206 square miles
of open space
Loss related to population 1
Loss related to consumption 2
1. "Population" refers to increase in population.
2. "Consumption" refers to increase in developed land consumption per capita (per person).
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The cause of the loss of 1,206 square miles of open space between 1982-2017 was overwhelmingly a result of a single phenomenon:
Loss of Open Space in Colorado (1982-2017)
Sources of Colorado’s Population Growth
During the 1982-2017 period, Members of Congress more than doubled the national population growth that is driven by immigration policies. Besides the direct effect in Colorado, immigration policies appear to have created acute population pressures in some metropolitan areas across the country which may be driving residents to flee. California is the No. 1 state source of Colorado’s population growth.
Lost Open Space (square miles) from Population and Consumption growth
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